14장 Operator 6 - timeSpring/Webflux 2023. 7. 26. 23:21
github : https://github.com/bjpublic/Spring-Reactive/tree/main/part2/src/main/java/chapter14/operator_6_time
14.7 Sequence 의 동작 시간 측정을 위한 Operator
delayElements(), interval(), timeout() 등 Reactor Sequence 의 동작 시간을 제어하는 Operator 를 사용해 보았는데,
이외에도 Reactor Sequence 의 동작 시간 자체를 측정하는 특별한 Operator 가 존재합니다
1) elapsed
elapsed() Operator 는 emit 된 데이터 사이(interval)의 경과 시간을 측정해서 Tuple<Long,T> 형태로 Downstream 에 emit 합니다
emit 되는 첫 번째 데이터는 onSubscribe Signal 과 첫 번째 데이터 사이를 기준으로 시간을 측정합니다
코드 14-51 elapsed 예제 1
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Flux .range(1, 5) .delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) .elapsed() .subscribe(data -> log.info("# onNext: {}, time: {}", data.getT2(), data.getT1())); Thread.sleep(6000); } // result > Task :Example14_51.main() 16:58:14.496 [main] reactor.util.Loggers DEBUG- Using Slf4j logging framework 16:58:15.556 [parallel-1] c.operator_6_time.Example14_51 INFO - # onNext: 1, time: 1040 16:58:16.569 [parallel-2] c.operator_6_time.Example14_51 INFO - # onNext: 2, time: 1013 16:58:17.575 [parallel-3] c.operator_6_time.Example14_51 INFO - # onNext: 3, time: 1006 16:58:18.578 [parallel-4] c.operator_6_time.Example14_51 INFO - # onNext: 4, time: 1003 16:58:19.583 [parallel-5] c.operator_6_time.Example14_51 INFO - # onNext: 5, time: 1005
delayElements 로 1초 씩 지연 시키고, elapsed() 로 시간을 측정합니다
각각 1초(1,000ms) 약간 지난 시간이 측정 됩니다
코드 14-52 elapsed 예제 2
public static void main(String[] args) { URI worldTimeUri = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("http") .host("worldtimeapi.org") .port(80) .path("/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul") .build() .encode() .toUri(); RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders(); headers.setAccept(Collections.singletonList(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just( restTemplate .exchange(worldTimeUri, HttpMethod.GET, new HttpEntity<String>(headers), String.class) ) ) .repeat(4) .elapsed() .map(response -> { DocumentContext jsonContext = JsonPath.parse(response.getT2().getBody()); String dateTime = jsonContext.read("$.datetime"); return Tuples.of(dateTime, response.getT1()); }) .subscribe( data -> log.info("now: {}, elapsed time: {}", data.getT1(), data.getT2()), error -> log.error("# onError:", error), () -> log.info("# onComplete") ); } // result > Task :Example14_52.main() 17:06:26.207 [main] reactor.util.Loggers DEBUG- Using Slf4j logging framework 17:06:26.302 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- HTTP GET http://worldtimeapi.org:80/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 17:06:26.309 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Accept=[text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*] 17:06:26.816 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Response 200 OK 17:06:26.819 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Reading to [java.lang.String] as "application/json;charset=utf-8" 17:06:26.867 [main] c.j.j.internal.path.CompiledPath DEBUG- Evaluating path: $['datetime'] 17:06:26.870 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:26.702709+09:00, elapsed time: 536 17:06:26.871 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- HTTP GET http://worldtimeapi.org:80/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 17:06:26.871 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Accept=[text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*] 17:06:27.066 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Response 200 OK 17:06:27.066 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Reading to [java.lang.String] as "application/json;charset=utf-8" 17:06:27.066 [main] c.j.j.internal.path.CompiledPath DEBUG- Evaluating path: $['datetime'] 17:06:27.066 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:26.956999+09:00, elapsed time: 242 17:06:27.067 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- HTTP GET http://worldtimeapi.org:80/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 17:06:27.067 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Accept=[text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*] 17:06:27.257 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Response 200 OK 17:06:27.257 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Reading to [java.lang.String] as "application/json;charset=utf-8" 17:06:27.257 [main] c.j.j.internal.path.CompiledPath DEBUG- Evaluating path: $['datetime'] 17:06:27.258 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.146173+09:00, elapsed time: 191 17:06:27.258 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- HTTP GET http://worldtimeapi.org:80/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 17:06:27.258 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Accept=[text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*] 17:06:27.451 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Response 200 OK 17:06:27.451 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Reading to [java.lang.String] as "application/json;charset=utf-8" 17:06:27.452 [main] c.j.j.internal.path.CompiledPath DEBUG- Evaluating path: $['datetime'] 17:06:27.452 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.339847+09:00, elapsed time: 195 17:06:27.453 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- HTTP GET http://worldtimeapi.org:80/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 17:06:27.453 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Accept=[text/plain, application/json, application/*+json, */*] 17:06:27.642 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Response 200 OK 17:06:27.643 [main] o.s.web.client.RestTemplate DEBUG- Reading to [java.lang.String] as "application/json;charset=utf-8" 17:06:27.646 [main] c.j.j.internal.path.CompiledPath DEBUG- Evaluating path: $['datetime'] 17:06:27.646 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.535231+09:00, elapsed time: 194 17:06:27.647 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - # onComplete
http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Asia/Seoul 에 https 요청을 반복적으로 전송하고 응답 시간을 측정하는 예제 코드 입니다
예제 코드에서는 repeat() Operator 를 이용해 구독을 4회 반복해서 HTTP request 를 반복적으로 전송하고 있는데,
최초 구독 + repeat() 의 파라미터 숫자만큼, (총 5번)의 HTTP request 를 전송합니다
17:06:26.870 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:26.702709+09:00, elapsed time: 536
17:06:27.066 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:26.956999+09:00, elapsed time: 242
17:06:27.258 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.146173+09:00, elapsed time: 191
17:06:27.452 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.339847+09:00, elapsed time: 195
17:06:27.646 [main] c.operator_6_time.Example14_52 INFO - now: 2023-07-29T17:06:27.535231+09:00, elapsed time: 194저자님께서는 설명을 생략하셨는데요.
restTemplate 은 동기(sync) 방식 입니다. 그리고, Mono.defer 를 사용하여, 구독 시에 호출되도록 지연시켰습니다
Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(restTemplate.exchange(worldTimeUri, ~~
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