
  • MACH
    Architecture/MACH 2024. 1. 31. 00:12



    API First

    - API 가 frist-class citizens

    - 모든 기능이 API 로 공개되어 Web|Mobile App | POS system 등 용도에 맞게 사용 가능

    - OpenAPI 로 제공되면, 다른 기술 또는 다양한 생태계와 광범위한 협업 가능


    All system functionality is exposed through APIs consumed by a variety of clients and services, such as web apps, sites, mobile applications, POS systems and more.


    In an API-First approach APIs are treated as “first-class citizens”, that expose all business functionality thru a well-defined set of contracts that allows two or more systems to interact.
    API-First is closely associated to Microservices; the defined contracts are the entry point to all the service business functionality.

    Having these contracts in place, that oftentimes follow API description languages such as Open API, contribute to a robust design and foster collaboration between different technical and non-technical stakeholders.

    This strategy allows businesses to create APIs that can be efficiently developed for all types of devices and platforms and can serve all types of applications in a multi-channel environment.




    Cloud Native


     - 공급자 획일화 서비스가 아닌, 다중 채널, 다양한 유형의 서비스로 활용 가능한 시스템

     - RESTful, GraphQL 등 데이터만 제공하여, User 가 완전히 다른 용도로 사용 가능

     - Data as a product


    Headless systems are API-First services that allow the creation of applications where the user experience is completely decoupled form the back-end.

    Instead of offering a traditional user interface (presentation layer), headless systems make its content accessible via RESTful or GraphQL APIs that can be consumed by many type of services.




    출처 : https://macharchitecture.com/


    MACH Architecture Articles and Insights

    MACH is a modern architecture based on Microservices, API-First, Cloud-Native and Headless




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