CI/CD developers ( with chatGpt )ChatGpt 2023. 2. 7. 13:29
01. CI/CD 개발자가 추구해야할 가장 중요한 가치는 무엇입니까?
1-1. Automation : 테스트부터 배포까지, 개발자의 실수를 줄이고, 효율을 증가시킵니다.
1-2. Speed : CI/CD pipelines 을 빠르게 동작
1-3. Reliability
1-4. Scalability
1-5. Security
1-6. Collaboaration
1-7. Continuous Improvement
What are the most important values for ci/cd developers to pursue?The most important values for CI/CD developers to pursue are:
- Automation: Automating the entire software development process, from testing to deployment, helps reduce human error and improve efficiency.
- Speed: CI/CD pipelines should be designed to be fast, so that developers can quickly integrate changes and receive feedback on their work.
- Reliability: The pipeline should be reliable, so that developers can trust the output and be confident that the software they produce is of high quality.
- Scalability: As software development teams grow, the CI/CD pipeline should be able to scale to meet their needs.
- Security: The pipeline should be secure, with appropriate controls and access restrictions in place to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems.
- Collaboration: The pipeline should promote collaboration between developers, allowing them to work together effectively and efficiently.
- Continuous Improvement: The pipeline should be designed to be continuously improved, so that developers can adopt new tools and techniques as they become available.
In general, the values for CI/CD should align with the overall software development culture and support the delivery of high-quality software in an efficient and effective manner.
02. 개발자들에 가장 인기있는 CI/CD 툴을 순서대로 알려주세요
Please tell us the CI/CD tools that developers use the most in order.
- Jenkins
- GitHub Actions
- Azure DevOps
- Travis CI
- CircleCI
- GitLab CI/CD
- AWS CodeBuild
- Bitbucket Pipelines
- Bamboo
- Jenkins X
03. 개발자들에 가장 인기있는 CI 툴을 순서대로 알려주세요
- Jenkins
- GitLab CI
- Travis CI
- CircleCI
- AWS CodeBuild
- Azure DevOps
- Bamboo
- TeamCity
- Bitbucket Pipelines
- GitHub Actions
04. 개발자들에 가장 인기있는 CD 툴을 순서대로 알려주세요
- Jenkins
- GitLab CD
- AWS CodeDeploy
- Azure DevOps
- Bamboo
- Octopus Deploy
- Ansible
- Chef
- Puppet
- SaltStack
05. 개발자들에 가장 인기있는 SCM 툴을 순서대로 알려주세요
- Git
- Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) / Azure DevOps
- Subversion (SVN)
- Mercurial
- Bitbucket
- GitHub
- GitLab
- Perforce
- SourceSafe
06. 개발자들에 가장 인기있는 Repository Manager 를 순서대로 알려주세요
Please tell us the Repoistory manager like sonartype nexus, harbor that developers use the most in order.
- Sonatype Nexus
- JFrog Artifactory
- Harbor
- AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- Google Container Registry (GCR)
- Microsoft Azure Container Registry (ACR)
- GitLab Container Registry
- Docker Hub
- Quay
- AWS CodeArtifact
07. 개발자들이 좋아하는 IDE 순서대로 알려줘
Tell me the development tool (IDE) that developers like most in order.
- Visual Studio Code
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Eclipse
- Visual Studio
- PyCharm
- Sublime Text
- Atom
08. CI/CD 개발자가 공부해야 할 주제를 정리해서, 순서대로 알려줘
Organize the topics that CI/CD developers need to study, and tell me in order
- Continuous Integration - understanding the concept of CI and the automation of the build-and-test process.
- CI/CD Pipelines and Software Delivery - learning about the process of delivering software from development to production.
- Code Promotion - understanding how to promote code through CI/CD pipelines and ensure that it meets the organization's standards.
- Microservices Architecture - learning about the concept of microservices and how to design and implement them.
- Message Topics - understanding how topics are used to organize messages and how they work.
- Build Reports - learning how to notify developers of build report success or failure.
- Test Driven Development (TDD) - understanding the concept of TDD and how it is used to ensure quality in software development [1][2].
09. 좋은 개발자가 되기 위해서 어떻게 해야돼?
Please tell me how to be a great programmer
- Learn the fundamentals of coding. Before you can start writing code, you need to understand the basics. Take the time to learn the language you are working with, as well as the principles and concepts behind it.
- Practice, practice, practice. While learning the basics is important, nothing will help you become a better programmer than actually writing code. Dive into coding challenges, create small projects, and take the time to perfect your craft.
- Stay organized. When you’re writing and troubleshooting code, it’s important that everything is well organized so you can easily find and edit things. Create multiple drafts and keep them organized in folders, use version control systems such as Git, and create comments and documentation for each project.
- Make use of debugging tools. When you’re writing code, it’s inevitable that you’ll run into errors. But instead of trying to figure out what’s wrong on your own, take advantage of debugging tools such as the Chrome Developer Tools and Firebug.
- Find a mentor. Learning to code can be a difficult and lonely process. Finding a experienced programmer who can mentor you, answer your questions, and provide advice can make all the difference.
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